Thursday, 4 August 2011

Day 01 - Getting Away, and (Re-)Meeting the Williamses

From leaving home to completed check-in in less than 40 minutes - so there are some advantages to living so close to the airport after all. I guess all the years of interrupted sleep in the early mornings has finally paid off. (Not!). And don't you love the way the altruistic airport owners thoughtfully channel all departing passengers through the over-priced duty free shops before you can make your way to your departure gate.

Of the next 24 of so hours of my 41 hour day there is little of interest to tell. Spending 12 hours in a tin can about 10 kms in the air, watching a couple of movies between three or four fitful "Nana Naps", is not the subject of great literary inspiration. And nor is spending about four hours in the sprawling Los Angeles Airport in a sleep deprived stupor while waiting for a connecting flight that is delayed by another 30 minutes. However there was an early sign that this trip is really going to pay off - even at LAX Airport bananas are only $1.10 each!!

The transfer to Oakland went smoothly and the day - by now already 33 hours old - started to become much more enjoyable as I reaquainted myself with Phil and his delightful family. It was a very pleasant late afternoon and evening, with a short outing before dinner that largely involved avoiding stepping in goose poop. There is something about an evening sharing hearty laughter with old friends that gets the endorphins pumping and keeps the jet lag at bay. Yet even endorphins can do only so much, and I eventually retired to slumber through the last hour of my very long day.

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